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Alkaline Water

You might be wondering why I want to write about alkaline water now, because I simply love it. I have been drinking Alkaline Water for the past four months and it has dramatically changed my life in a very positive way. Around two years ago I was very famous for spending my whole morning at the gym in Equinox, I still remember them asking me when was I going to bring my bed there, hahaha... Anyways the overdo cardio and endurance exercises wasn't the only thing I was doing wrong, but also my eating habits were terrible bad as all I would eat was a meal in the entire day, and of course, such meal wasn't the healthiest one. (Cereal/ because cooking is not my thing and or I would just go to Misha Cupcakes and would get myself a few pieces of their delicious "Dulce de Leche Cake", I know I know..., but I'm just being sincere!

After all of this bad eating you can imagine how guilty I would feel, so of course I had to do something about it, and it would mean more long hours spend at the gym and the worst of all matters, popping fat burners and appetite suppressant pills just like candy. Clearly after all of these bad habits something had to happen to my body, right? And You might be wondering now, what was it?, Well my kidneys start to fail, my heart started developing arrhythmia cardiac, which had me having to stop taking all the fat burners I was taking, and surely as the consequence I started gaining a lot of weight back again. This was a very horrible period of time for me, which I'm still recovering from by the way, but I'm feeling much better now. This all brought me to having to see doctors from different parts of the world. I went to Italy, Colombia and United States just trying to find out a solution for my mess up organism and to make sure I was still going to be able to count on my kidneys, as their function was terrible by that time.

When in Italy the Doctor had me drinking only an specific kind of water, I don't remember the exactly name now but I know it was alkaline water. While drinking this water like (2 weeks) which was the time I spent in Italy, I started feeling much better, but then as soon as I was back to the states drinking regular water, I felt terrible sick again. I tried to find the same water I was drinking in Italy, but I had not luck until few months later I happened to met Randy a friend of mine who introduced me to this company that sells pure AlkalineWater I have been drinking it for the past four to five months and I can't truly explain how much it has helped to overcome my kidney issues as well as to feel alive and renew again. As the time goes by, I continue to see so much improvement in my well being, I feel no pain in my kidneys and liver as I used to feel it before, there is way much less inflammation in my body, and I only feel more and more detoxified and pure as the time pass.

If you haven't heard about alkaline water, let me give you a little brief about it. Alkaline water is different from tap because it's less acidic- it has a pH over seven, meaning that it has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions. By the way, all liquids have a measure of acidity, which is determined on the pH scale. The pH measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in the liquid, which is expressed on a scale of 0-14. Anything under seven (think black coffee, orange juice, and vinegar) is acidic, seven is neutral and above seven (like baking soda) is alkaline territory. One of the main consequences of too much acid in your body is aging too fast as well as it can cause a host of health problems, So when it comes to anti-aging helping the body to get rid of the OLD waste products by alkalizing your body drinking only alkaline water and trying to increment your desire for more Alkaline Foods it will automatically revert the aging process as well as any current health problem you may have.



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