Healthy Banana Nut Bread Recipe

To be honest my kitchen and I don’t get along that well. It's kind of a love & hate relationship because even though I love to eat healthy home made food, I’m just never too exited about preparing it. Maybe, later on, when I get myself a husband an a couple of kids this will change but in the mean time it'll probably continue to be this way. Now, I do have to admit that since I started having Herbalife shakes my cravings for eating "dulce de leche" cakes with Ben & Jerry's ice cream have gone away. These shakes feel just as delicious and fulfilling. and better yet, they help lose weight instead of gaining it. This shake fever has also gotten me thinking of other delicious desserts that I could prepare using these Herbalife Shake mixes. With that said, I would like to share with you my very first “Herba-Fever" recipe. Hopefully you will love it as much as I do. And, Hey! If you are just like me (the hate cooking type), you will find yourself slowly falling in love with the idea of baking and cooking delicious recipes to fuel your body with the right nutrients it needs.
Made with healthy ingredients that taste great, my healthy banana nut bread will make you feel energized and well fed. This recipe pairs perfectly with coffee.
1 ½ Cups Almond Flour
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon (Ground)
1 ½ Teaspoons Baking Powder
½ Cup Splenda or Stevia
Baking Powder
¼ Cup Walnuts (chopped)
2 Eggs (large)
¼ cup Almond Milk
1Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 Banana (ripe, smashed)
Mix your dry ingredients in one bowl and your wet ingredients in another bowl. Use a mixer/blender/whisk to mix together the wet ingredients. Slowly add in the dry ingredients. Spray a 9” bread loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray and then put it in the oven on 375F for around 35-40 minutes or until it looks like it’s done (do the toothpick test). Let it cool and enjoy!
Makes 12 Servings. Per serving:
141 9g 6g 9g